Godfather Death Essay

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“Godfather Death” is a fairy tale collected by two German brothers, the brothers Grimm, during the 19th century. The tale is of the 13th child, a boy born to a poor family. In the search for a Godfather for the boy, his father interviews God, Satan and Death himself. While Death proves to be fair in choosing everyone he visits, he makes a deal with the boy who grew to be a doctor. The deal Death made with the doctor was that he was never to betray his Godfather. In the tale the doctor betrayed Death and after his first warning, death came for the doctor just as he warned. Death kept his original promise on treating everyone equally, even his own Godson. I believe the tale illustrates Death as the equalizer. A man can cheat death once …show more content…

Somerset Maugham, in 1933. Death in the fable tells a story of a servant who was startled to see her in a marketplace; the servant fled the marketplace and travelled to a town called Samarra. When the servants Master saw Death he asked why she startled the man. Death told the Master that she was in fact surprised to see the man in the market that morning; she had an appointment to see the servant in Samarra that evening. I believe the lesson to be learned in this fable comes from the want to avoid Death. Death will always have an appointment to meet us, no matter where we try to run and hide. “The North Wind” an Aesop fable tells of a dispute between the North Wind and the Sun. The two powers quarrel over which is the strongest, to solve the dispute they decide on a contest to strip a traveller of his cloak. First the wind begins to blow, stronger and stronger the wind gusts, only making the traveller cling more to his cloak. The Sun goes after the unsuccessful Wind, warming the traveller at first, allowing the traveller to feel comfort in loosening his grasp. The Sun continually warmed until the travel felt he no longer needed its protection and threw it from

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