God Is Evil: Hard Facts And Misconceptions

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God is Evil: Hard Facts and Misconceptions

Many people believe God is evil by the evidence of evil which is manifested in the world. In fact, some go as far as to claim the Bible proves God is evil. Can we rightly accuse God as being evil? Are there any proofs that substantiate beyond any doubt God is evil? I have read various articles that try to justify this belief. However, I have noted many people have the wrong conception of who God is, and why evil exists. Thus, this article aims to prove God is not evil, and is not the inventor of evil.

The Creation Story

Genesis 1

The first chapter of Genesis narrates how God created the heavens and the earth, light and darkness, animals and plants, and human beings. On the sixth day He completed …show more content…

He positioned the Tree of Knowledge in order to test man. As evidenced by the Bible, man failed the test God had placed for him. Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit from the Tree of knowledge. Thus, they were banished from the Garden of Eden. The result of their disobedience against God has resulted to the many evils we experience in the …show more content…

The serpent! Yah, blame Satan for the woes we face in the world but not wholly. Adam and Eve, the first human beings also contributed to the evil we face in the world because they heeded the devil’s lie instead of obeying God’s commands.
Did Satan, in form of a serpent deceive Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Conscience? No! He told her the truth but in a perverse manner. Have you ever come across a person who is saying the truth but is in effect lying to you?
Why didn’t Satan approach Adam? He knew very well Adam wouldn’t give in to his lies. Did Eve deceive his husband to eat the fruit? No! She told Adam what the Devil had told her and that she had eaten the fruit. When Adam ate the fruit both their spiritual eyes were opened. They realized they were naked, a sign they could differentiate between good and bad. It was the commencement of spiritual and physical death.
Someone might ask, “If God knew Satan would rebel against Him, why did He create him?” God created angels to serve Him. What’s more, we fail to notice one of the many aspects of God – He never wants to be served or worshipped or to have a relationship with ‘robots’ which don’t have a mind of their own. This is understandable. How would you feel if you are married to a man or woman who doesn’t have a mind of his/her own? You would divorce

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