Gloria Anzaldua's How To Tame A Wild Tongue

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In “How to Tame a wild Tongue” Gloria Anzaldua shares her experiences as a Chicana living in the US and how her society views her Chicano- Spanish language. The author employs dictions from her native language in the story to explain her pride and acceptance of her “Wild Tongue” and allusions from quotes to elaborate her struggles.Language is among the characteristics that makes an individual unique. I am often amazed when I encounter people who possess the abilities to speak other languages. Being a bilingual individual myself I cherish the languages that I speak it is what defines my individual character and creates a sense of uniqueness for myself. All cultures should be embraced and not seen as less valuable nor should an individual be oppressed in a disadvantage on the bases on their cultural differences. …show more content…

Violent in the sense that one cannot fully express themselves in the cultures they identify with in society without the opposition promoting forceful adaptation of English. Both the American Society and the Mexican Society in her story wish for her to speak both English and Castilian properly. Anzaldua disregards her society’s expectations and found comfort speaking “Chicano Spanish” a language that adapts both American and Mexican cultures.Speaking English in our society today helps create countless opportunities and financial stability. With a positive societal view of the value behind the English language devalues a person’s native

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