Globalization In The Future Essay

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“You 're right, we do have a lot in common. The same Earth, the same air, the same sky... Maybe if we started lookin ' at what 's the same, instead o ' always lookin ' at what 's different, well, who knows?” Meowth says this in Pokémon: The First Movie as he realizes that he and his clone do not have to fight each other. While the quote signifies peace and harmony in the movie, it can be applied to globalization in the real world. This phenomenon is making the world more interconnected, and it brings everyone in it closer to one another. At the same time, it creates many changes that in turn affect my way of living in the coming years. Due to an increasingly globalized culture, my future lifestyle will improve because of more technological …show more content…

Based on how much globalization has contributed to the many inventions that we have today, I believe that our daily lives will completely revolve around the use of technology. For example, in the future, we will be able to do mundane chores like emptying the trash and cutting the grass without lifting a finger. This advancement could save me money because I would just buy a gadget, rather than paying a maid every week. Additionally, since I would not have to be concerned with household chores, I could have more time to spend with my family. The technological advancement due to globalization will also affect relationships. According to a case study, online dating is concluded as “a way to pass time; quick and easy; meet great people and made good friends; and rejection at first contact is not as personal” (Couch). It is already reasonably popular today, but with the growth of technology, online dating will become the new normal, completely displacing meeting at a bar or club. Since I am a naturally shy person, this could benefit me. I would not be confined to my area, since I would have the ability to search internationally. Furthermore, I would also be able to meet people that share the same interests as me. Most importantly, communication would be remarkably easier; there would be less …show more content…

In the essay “Sexuality and Globalization,” it is stated that globalization “is ensuring an increase in individual freedoms and affluence” (Altman 67). This is supported through same-sex marriage recently being declared as legal in the United States. Unfortunately, some countries are far from making any similar steps to progress the lives of all individuals. It is a crime in certain areas of the world to be gay, and it can result in being imprisoned or sentenced to death. As gay rights continue to improve in the United States, globalization will diffuse these ideas across the world, and in time, countries will remove their anti-gay laws. Hence, in the future, being a homosexual will be seen as normal as any other sexual identification, regardless of what part of the world I am in. Eventually, I plan on settling down and having a family. Consequently, this trend would also affect issues associated with adoption. Because the chances of adoption are higher and the waiting times are shorter, international adoption is usually the most viable option for same-sex couples. However, there are many restrictions concerning them adopting children from countries like China. The essay “Globalization and International Adoption from China” discusses “the CCAA restrictions [that are] now in place around adoptions by single and gay adopters, older prospective parents, divorced and re-married

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