Glass Ceiling Thesis

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The “glass ceiling” is said to be an invisible barrier, mainly directed toward women and minorities, which keeps one from moving higher up successfully in a corporation or organization. The term doesn’t always have to be directed toward women or minorities, it can also refer to anyone that is having trouble moving up or feels like they are stuck in the position they are currently in. As workers get promotions, pay raises or other opportunities they tend to rise higher in a company. There shouldn’t be anything that keeps women from rising as high as men. A ceiling made of glass would be see through referring to a women being able to see clearly all the things above her that are more powerful and instead of achieving that same success, she is held back by invisible things and barriers that prevent her from succeeding. Where exactly did the term “glass ceiling” originate from? According to Definition in Women’s History, “a widely read Wall Street Journal story in 1986 popularized the term.” The term was even used in the …show more content…

According to survey by Korn/Ferry International (1982), “Corporate women don’t travel on business as frequently as men either. One study also found that “among executives at the same level, men “managed greater numbers of people, had more freedom to hire and fire, and had more direct control of the company’s assets” than women (Harlan and Weiss). Men seem to have the upper hand in higher corporations with outnumbering women in higher level positions, this being said, it affects even those women who do have executive positions as

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