Girl In Blue Book Report

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It all began on December 24, 1933. The girl in blue is happy that today was her birthday and her name was Lucy.Lucy was turning thirteen today she loved anime and for her birthday Gray her friend gave her a book it had Lucy's Dairy on the cover Gray gave it to her because it was a gift for her birthday.They both went fishing and Lucy saw something big and strange in the water it looked like a gigantic shark and they left the lake as fast as they could. They were at Lucy's house singing into the fan and a guy with blonde hair his name was Mike he is Lucy's little brother he greeted both of them and told Lucy happy birthday. Than they heard screams and they looked out the window and what they saw was gigantic shark coming to them Lucy …show more content…

Lucy had the diary that Gray gave to her she stared at it for a long time.Until Mike came to comfort her she still didn't believe that her best friend was gone.Mike told Lucy' We got to go to our Uncle Rick's house'. Four hours later they arrived at their uncle's house when their uncle saw them he was really happy that they were alive. He let them in as quickly as he could. He told them that he saw the news report about the enormous shark. Lucy was still sad that her best friend was gone. Her Uncle Rick asked Lucy what's wrong she didn't do anything but bust out in tears.Mike told Uncle Rick what was wrong with Lucy and Uncle Rick just left Lucy alone. Lucy ate a lot of food for lunch because she was starting to get depressed and she was a depressed eater. Mike on the the other end of the table was warning her to slow down on her food or she will choke. After they finished eating they watched a movie so it can take Lucy's mind off things. Lucy wanted to go outside and started walking Mike didn't try to stop her because she needed time to be alone.Lucy saw train tracks and heard a train and she wanted to see Gray again so she was on the train tracks waiting to be hit by it.Mike and Rick saw Lucy on the train tracks they tried to run to her but it was to late a giant train crushed Lucy and all you saw was blood everywhere and tears from Rick and

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