Gillian Crowther's Argumentative Analysis

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From the beginning of time the human species were hunters and gatherers collecting their foods from the wild and hunting animals for meat. However overtime as the world and individual societies developed they moved away from this method and more to producing their own foods. Based on the Gillian Crowther reading there three possible explanation to why hunter-gatherers moved from collecting food to producing their own foods. The first explanation why hunter-gatherers moved to producing food was because they were able to invent new ways of getting food through technological change(Crowther, 2013). This helped them great progress and move from a harder way of to an easier and more reliable food source. Another explanation states that this move was do to population …show more content…

This type of intensification on agriculture was achieved by selecting new crop varieties, improving soil quality, improving irrigation, improving tools, increasing labor and improving storage to reduce spoilage of food products. During this era they began to produce massive amounts of wheat, rice and maize that allowed them to convert into a range of other food products. By processing grains it allowed them to be consumed by infants, which shortened the length of breastfeeding, and shorter intervals between births and increasing the number of children that were born(Crowther, 2013). Through agriculture it improved people's lives due to advances in sanitation, medicine and nutrition that declined mortality rate and increased birth rates into greater life expectancy and overall population growth(Crowther, 2013). These eventually lead to the development of communities and states that had the luxury to develop over time and improve life in all aspects from technology and infrastructure to what the world is

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