Self-Compassion: A Tool for Resilience and Empathy

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According to the authors, self-compassion is an important tool to utilize during moments of suffering and distress. Self-compassion does not correlate to self-judgement or self-esteem, rather involves taking kind and compassionate measures towards oneself (Goetz, Kelner, & Simon-Thomas, 2010). It is an ideation of resiliency that allows a person to realize that suffering is experienced by all of humanity and through that suffering, we are able to soothe ourselves by utilizing self-compassion. A person who demonstrates self-compassion has “greater empathic concern, altruism, compassion for humanity, and romantic satisfaction” (Neff & Pommier, 2013; Neff & Beretvas, 2013). However, research is limited in the topic of self-compassion, but this limited research provides significant information that links the formation of self-compassion through early relationships with primary caregivers …show more content…

Attachment is the bond that is formed between a child and their primary caregiver(s). This is an important mechanism that is influential throughout an individual’s lifespan (Bowlby, 1979, p. 129). “Sensitive, responsive parenting, maternal support, and positive family functioning facilitates the development of secure attachment, builds self-soothing skills, and develops individual differences in self-compassion skills” (Mikulincer & Shaver, 2004, 2007a; Neff & McGeehee, 2010). Primary caregivers that are inconsistent, cold, and rejecting can cause a person to become more critical towards themselves and become less skilled in recognizing their needs for care and compassion (Gilbert & Procter, 2006, Neff & McGeehee, 2010; Gilbert 2005, 2009). Sensitivity and responsive parenting leads to the development of secure attachment styles with adult attachment lying in between attachment avoidance and attachment anxiety (Grossman, Grossman, & Waters, 2005, Mikulincer & Shaver 2007a); Fraley, Waller, & Brenan,

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