Ghosting Is Wrong

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When Something Feels So Right - How Can it Go So Wrong? When you get ghosted, your first thought is that you must have done something wrong. Otherwise, why would a guy dump you without a word? Chances are slim to none that the ghostee did something wrong, when ghostings result from online connections. It’s not your fault. Try to quit dwelling on something you never really experienced in real life, or else, it could trigger those old feelings of abandonment. If you totally must have a reason, pick one: • He adores the thrill of the chase. Once he could see that you were getting into the ‘relationship’, his adrenaline quit spiking and he got bored. • He’s an emotionally immature jerk, who chose not to deal with your emotions. It was easier …show more content…

Sort of, but not really. In general, ghosting is a result of technology. Meeting someone through a dating app or online dating website creates a fairytale environment. Odds are against an authentic relationship. Text messages and phone calls are frequent, until unaccountably, all forms of communication from his end stop. Take small comfort in knowing you weren’t the only one who got ghosted. For example, the March 2016 Fortune reported results of a survey on ghosting conducted by Plenty of Fish, an online dating site. Bottom …show more content…

Where ghosts have cold hearts, men who pull away have cold feet. The “pull-away” is a classic male response to fear. 1. Take Art. He and Sandra had been exclusive for eight months. She was fun to be around; sweet like Southern tea. They were comfortable together and she never complained about his nights out with the guys. Sound idyllic? Art was a mess inside. Things were too good to be true. He kept waiting for something to go wrong. He pulled away to give himself time to think. Art will come back if Sandra allows him the space he needs. 2. Barry and Lynda were also exclusive, to the point friends hyphenated their names in conversations, such as “Barry-Lynda just walked in”. He was a lucky son-of-a-gun. Lynda was cute, charming and smart. Then, out of the blue, Lynda said the two words all men dread, “Let’s talk.” Barry was the product of a broken home and one marriage that ended in divorce. Deathly afraid of commitment, Barry pulled away. He’ll likely come back if he can separate the past from the

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