Get Paid Allowance

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Do you get paid allowance? Why do you get it? Is it for no reason? Is it because you work for it? I get paid ten dollars a month. Some people get paid for no reason. I hate that. Then your child is going to grow up thinking that they can get money whenever they want. I have watched in a lot of shows that whenever you grow up thinking like that bad things happen. You get a spouse, you get money off your parents. Then, your parents stop giving it to you. There comes a time you're in desperate need for money. Parents say no, your spouse gets mad. He /she starts yelling at your parents. It ends up you or your spouse kill your parents. You are either charged with first degree murder or second degree murder. It all depends on if anyone else is involved. I am not sure anyone wants to end up doing that. …show more content…

Let me tell you something, you don´t. If you did it would be astonishing. When you grow up, youŕe not going to have people by your side feeding you and rocking you to sleep, that is just life. You can to the bank and get a loan, but in the future you have to pay the bank back. If you are rich then yeah, you can have a maid but then you are just lazy. If you paid because you´re doing chores and behaving as expected, then you will end out better. If you don't do chores to earn money, then in the future how are you going to know how to cook, sweep, mop, wash clothes, and still have enough money to put food on the table for your family? How are you going to provide clothes and soap for your family? You honestly can't depend on food stamps all your life. When you earn money, it´s a different story. You have a decent house. Loving family, a clean house. Food for your family. Know how to cook. Have a job. Cleaning your house yourself and teach your kids how to. See how much better it is if you know how to do

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