Get Engaged In Intellectual Habits

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When I took Lifebook, there was a section on intellect. You were supposed to build an intellectual habit, and many people in the Lifebook group didn't really understand what that meant. As someone who has always been curious, and who researches and writes a lot for websites, I have fallen into many intellectual habits that have propelled me forward with my writing, relationships, career, happiness, and success. If you want to develop some habits to get wiser and improve your life because of it, following are some that I have found invaluable.
1. Continuously Educating Yourself

Never stop learning. If you haven't adopted this belief, it's an affirmation that you should write down and pin up all over your house.

To learn every day is an intellectual gift you can easily give yourself. Simply look up something that you want to know more about and you've added …show more content…

Get Engaged In Intellectual Conversations

Don't waste your time arguing with the guy who says nothing and says it loudly or talking about nonsense. Instead, get engaged with thoughtful converstaions that stimulate your mind and make you think.

At a party, don't talk to the complainer or person who wants to talk about meaningless stuff. Instead, find the person who can communicate well and engage with them. They will challenge your beliefs and help you learn and grow. Or, at the very least, they will stimulate your brain and make you think.

Online, stop engaging with trolls who talk nonsese for a reaction. Instead, strike up a conversation on a forum or in a group with someone who has soemthing interesting to say.

At work, take your breaks around people who are actually talking about something other than how much work sucks!
11. Saying 'I Want To' More

How many times a day do you say someting like 'I have to do this'? By saying 'have to' you create a small sense of stress. Getting to do something is much more fun than having to do something. Therefore, develop the habit of saying, 'I want to...'

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