Gerrymandering Vs Redistricing Essay

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This essay examines some topical political matters in the USA. To this end, this essay discusses the three arms of the US government, the functions of each, and how they check and balance each other. The essay further identifies key positions in each of the three arms of government and the constitutional qualifications for each of these positions. Moreover, the essay defines redistricting and gerrymandering and identifies their differences. Based on chapter 4, this essay further identifies districts that are gerrymandered within Texas and analyses how such gerrymandering impacted the 2012 election. The essay also analyses how housing districts are entwined with State and education representation within Texas. The U.S. Government comprises …show more content…

Gerrymandering could seek to disadvantage unfavorable incumbents, help a particular political party to win extra seats, or to make the electoral environment safer for both parties. Given these definitions, whereas redistricting is guided by the constitution, gerrymandering is guided by personal and party interests. Further, while redistricting has a constitutionally-defined calendar, gerrymandering is done whenever personal and party interests dictate. Moreover, whereas redistricting is done for the benefit of the general populace, gerrymandering does not necessarily seek to benefit the electorate. During the latest redistricting exercise that was performed in 2011, several instances of gerrymandering were witnessed in the State of Texas. On this note, congressional districts that are currently gerrymandered in Texas include District 33 and District 35 (Gibson and Robison). During the 2012 general elections, such gerrymandering within Texas’ 33rd District enabled a Democratic candidate to beat a Republican candidate who was the main contender (Ibid.) by more than fifty thousand

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