Germany's Fatal Attraction to Hitler

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Adolf Hitler, easily one of the most influential people to have ever walked on the Earth. His rise to power also one of the most oppurtunistic seized to date. How did he achieve such a powerful control over Germany and its people? Through what you could call a series of unfortunate events.

After the First World War were forced to take blame for its happening. They were forced to pay ridiculous amounts in reparations & compensation. All of this being signed in the Treaty Of Versailles; this treaty was intended as a fair and just proposal but ended up in Germany losing billions of dollars to other countries, as well as losing heaps of land, thus crippling their economy. Leaving them weak to any nation or anyone, this was one way that helped Hitler come to power.

Because of the state of Germany’s economy, Hitler portrayed himself as the saviour of Germany, the man that was going to restore the respect that their forefathers had earned & installed. However, under no uncertain terms was he going to do it alone, he pr...

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