Geriatric Assessment

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Introduction The focus group for the abbreviated assessment will be the geriatric/elderly population. The geriatric population needs more social work based emotional and mental health, due to high psychosocial stress and general stress. Psychosocial stress results when an individual look at a perceived social threat in his or her life and discern that it may require resources she or he do not have. For instance, in the geriatric population, psychosocial stress may involve declining health, isolation/abandonment, financial hardship and loss of close friends and family that comes with aging; these circumstances can put older adults at high risk of experiencing tremendous effects of mental/psychological stress, depression, and financial stress, resulting in the need for more social work based mental and emotional health services to coordinate care and treatment for the elderly. It is significant to consider holistic approaches for older adults since its focus is to teach how to deal with psychosocial stress without pharmaceutical intervention, which is critical to their physical well-being; thus, minimizing the fear of physical deterioration. Care Coordination …show more content…

The main goal of care coordination is to meet client needs and preferences in the delivery of high-quality, high-value health care. This means that the client needs and preferences are known and communicated at the right time to the right people and that this information is used to guide the delivery of safe, appropriate, and effective care. Two ways of achieving coordinated care are through the use of broad approaches that are commonly used to improve healthcare delivery and using specific care coordination activities (Care Coordination,

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