George Washington: My Greatest President

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Out of forty three presidents, I think my that my favorite president would have to be the first, and most well known, George Washington. He was a great military leader, and was seemingly impervious to the corrupting influence of power. The man that many refer to as the Father of the United States of America, who served 2 terms, was and still is truly inspirational figure from American history. One of the things that tips the scale of my favor toward Washington is that he believed in the Republic of the United States of America, and that we each had certain inalienable rights that were not up for debate or a vote. If there were more people like him in the U.S. today, we may not be in the condition that we are.

Something that Washington was known for is his infallible nature, at least in terms of tyrannical behavior when given the opportunity. He may truly have been the man responsible for the wonderful country we live in today, with our freedom, and cheeseburgers. With the way things are now, and how often we see corruption in politics, I'm not …show more content…

Taking this into consideration, I believe that the form of Republicanism that George Washington held is part of what made him such a great leader. The basis of Republicanism is that we as a people, are sovereign, and free. When we are born, we have certain inalienable rights that cannot be voted away, or otherwise revoked or modified. Such rights include the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I believe that this is why the United States of America became so great. Although, this was eventually corrupted by greed and powerful individuals, who enslaved white Americans, black Americans, and hispanic Americans, purely because the had the wealth and means to do so without any

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