George Washington Inaugural Address Analysis

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Starting a company or a group, hard enough today, seems insignificant compared with trying to establish an entire country in the 1700s. This is the task George Washington and the members of the Congress take on. Even with the Constitution official, and the United States a legal country, Congress must still complete its job, according to The American Journey. Needing a strong administration, the Continental Congress selects a new president to guide the United States of America to greatness. George Washington establishes many precedents and faces many challenges during his terms as the first president of the United States.

First, the precedents George Washington sets shape the country’s future, and sets the bar for the presidents yet to come. The first precedent, the Inaugural Address, seems like just another speech given by just another person, but it is of utmost importance. Should this tradition continue, it will be an important way for citizens to expect what is coming during the presidency. Also, Washington is the first to build his cabinet, and the departments in the Executive Branch. How the government runs is affected by this, so the power will not rest in the hands of one person. Hopefully, future presidents also taken these …show more content…

Challenges arise, one after another, and Washington must control them gracefully. An urgent situation that coming about is the issue between the United States and Native Americans over land in the west. Despite the treaties signed with the Natives, citizens continue moving into the land of the Northwest Territory. Natives demand all settlers leave the territory, and in response, George Washington sent an army to take care of business. This is crucial to the country's expansion as well as relations with the Native Americans. It is challenging to both control the Natives and expand this country into their

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