George Washington Carver Essay

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The first paragraph is about George Washington Carver’s childhood. George Washington Carver was born into slavery in Diamond, Missouri, during the civil years, most likely in 1864. The exact year and date of his birth are unknown. This is his childhood. ‘’George Washington Carver was one of many children born to Mary and Giles, an enslaved couple owned by Moses Carver. A week after his birth, George was kidnapped along with his sister and mother from the Carver farm by raiders from the neighboring state of Arkansas. The three were sold in Kentucky. Among them only the infant George was located by an agent of Moses Carver and returned to Missouri. Moses Carver and his wife, Susan, decided to keep George and his brother James at their home after that time, raising and educating the two boys. Susan Carver taught George to read and write, since no local school would accept black students at the time.Carver applied to several colleges before being accepted at Highland University in Highland, Kansas. When he arrived, however, they rejected him because of his race. In August 1886, Carver traveled by wagon with J. F. Beeler from Highland to Eden Township in Ness county, Kansas. He homesteaded a claim near Beeler, where he maintained a small conservatory of plants and flowers and a geological collection.’’ …show more content…

‘’In 1896, Booker T. Washington was the first principal and president of the Tuskegee Institute, invited Carver to head the Agriculture Department.’’ George didn’t have a wife or kids. He was a scientist and botanist. He taught methods of crop rotation at Tuskegee Institute. First of all, some examples like peanuts, sweet potatoes, and pecans. Also, the last thing he planted was cotton. ‘’To recruit Carver to Tuskegee, Washington gave him an above AVERAGE salary and 2 rooms for his personal

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