George Orwell's The Three Little Pigs

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The book, the Three Little Pigs is a well-known book... but what you may not know is that this book originates in the 1800's. The book may be old but it continues to be remembered because of the lesson that it teaches, about the three pigs that all built a houses. The first pig built there house out of straw, the second pig built there house out of twigs, both pigs were eaten by the big bad wolf. The third pig though built his house out of bricks, therefor allowing him to stay alive. The Three Little Pigs is teaching the reader that the stronger you build something the more stable and safe you will be. It also teaches you that you get out what you put it. You also may learn that the more you think things through the better decisions you will …show more content…

For example in the story the first two pigs built there house out of weak materials therefor the big bad wolf could get to them. If you build a relationship/ friendship with more trust, and stability you can be more confident to talk to that person. When you are more confident to talk to someone you can normally make that relationship last longer, just like the third pig that built his house out of bricks.
The Three Little Pigs can also be compared to the effort that you put into things. When you put forth more effort into anything you want to achieve in life you are able to achieve it. In the book the first pug put forth the least amount of effort into his house, causing him to be eaten by the big bad wolf.The second pig built his house with a little more effort but not full effort, and he too got eaten. The last pig, was a hard worker and built his house with the most support and the big bad wolf could not get to him.
This ties into effort and how much you put in is how much you get out. When you take your time and do your best the outcome is always better.
The more you think about things the better decision you will be able to make. When you

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