George Mcclellan Essay

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Little Macpoleon
George McClellan was born to an affluent Philadelphia family in the year of 1826, as shared by the New World Encyclopedia (2014 par. 3). At age 20, military academy graduation placed McClellan in the U.S. Army of Engineers as second lieutenant. His early combat encounters lived in the Mexican-American War and furthered McClellan to and past first lieutenant to Captain (Pagles 28-29). With wartime aside, McClellan’s work included surveillance of bodies of water, railroads and foreign defense systems (Abraham Lincoln’s Classroom). At the start of the Civil War, McClellan drove the Ohio Army to West Virginia as their Major General. Two battles in and McClellan was a regular hero. In August of 1861, McClellan followed President Lincoln’s instruct to design and lead the Potomac Army as Commander and then as General in Chief (New World Encyclopedia 2014). After McClellan failed to impress with expected action towards Richmond, his position was returned to Army Commander (Pagles 39-42).
In May of 1862 McClellan leisurely led his men towards the Virginia Peninsula, neglecting pursuit of …show more content…

In the military, McClellan stood with the Union against the Confederates though he simultaneously kept desire and faith in the institutions of slavery. The skillful McClellan was revealed in his ability to form and mold an army into an organized, equipped and spirited group of men (New World Encyclopedia 2014). This pre-battle competency failed to extend further to the command of the Union Army while in the field. The Fall of 1862 observed McClellan’s stubborn refusal to move the Army of the Potomac across the Potomac River, and towards Virginia to gain on the Confederate Army (Abraham Lincoln’s Classroom). Direct encouragement for movement and action from President Lincoln himself could not inspire hastiness in McClellan (Pagles

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