George W. Bush: A Critique of Trumpism

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It's an unwritten rule that past Presidents of the United States don't interfere in the affairs of a sitting POTUS or predecessor. However, media pundits believe that during a recent speech, George W. Bush ripped apart Donald Trump and "Trumpism" without mentioning him by name.

In what is being called a "remarkable rebuke" of one American president by another, George W. Bush attacks the divisive state of politics. On Thursday, the 43rd commander-in-chief gave a speech at George W. Bush Institute in New York. There, Bush opined on isolationism, protectionism, and nativism.

Bush 43 has largely remained on the sidelines since leaving the White House after two terms in office. The avid painter didn't once openly criticize his successor, Barack
"We’ve seen our discourse degraded by casual cruelty. At times it can seem like the forces pulling us apart are stronger than the forces binding us together. The argument turns too easily into animosity, disagreement escalates into dehumanization,” Bush continued."

Bush then raised a number of issues against Donald Trump and his base and appeared to link them to the separatist ideology that is proliferating among the

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