Geometric City Allegory

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In this allegory, I compare the lives of different shapes living within their fictional city to the lives of minorities populating our country. I chose this topic to expand upon in writing because of how prevalent the subject of discrimination is in our society. You cannot watch the news anymore without hearing about some sort of hate crime happening somewhere in our country. Discrimination is still so real everywhere, even though there has been numerous occurrences to try and abolish it. In the story, the shapes live in the city known as Geometric City, which represents the United States of America. The door that the shapes have been so fascinated with for centuries is the idea and wide belief of heaven. I decided to write about one of the …show more content…

Dan, the rainbow triangle, symbolizes Dan Savage who founded the incredibly influential It Gets Better Project. The organization helps LGBTQ+ youth know that everything gets better as you grow older, and it helps make the world better for future LGBTQ+ generations to come. The trapezoid named Martin with “a color as dark as the night sky” obviously represents Civil Rights Movement activist Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. He delivered his world-changing “I Have a Dream” speech and majorly impacted the way our country treats not solely African-Americans, but all people of non-Caucasian races. Finally, the pristine white circle whose name is Richard symbolizes Richard R. Reed, one of the founders of the Ku Klux Klan. I decided to make this character represent such an intense person for the single purpose of what the Klan believes. They believe that everyone who is non-Caucasian is inferior to those who are, and that the United States of America is fit for only those who are Christian as well. This obviously means that everyone involved in the Klan despises those who are LGBTQ+, African-American, Mexican, Jewish, Muslim, etc. It felt only right to make a white circle represent a founder of this

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