Genocide In Elie Wiesel's 'The Night'

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“A genocide begins with the killing of one man-not for what he has done, but because of who he is.” -Kofi Annan. The Holocaust and Rwandan genocide were based off of this quote because they were either killed because of religion or ethnicity. In the book, The Night, they tell us about the horrifying conditions in the concentration camps and the transportation to there. In the movie, Hotel Rwanda, they show us the awful scenery of dead bodies laying everywhere and the terrified lives of separated families.
Even though these were both similar by being genocides, they did have their differences. Barack Obama once said, “All people should be treated equally, regardless of who they are or who they love.” Both genocides are based on discrimination, they don’t care about what they did, they just care
The Rwandan genocide may have had more people killed in a minute, but the conditions weren’t as nearly as bad as the Holocaust. In Rwanda, if the Hutsus saw a tutsis walking down the street you would be killed immediately. For this genocide, the Hutsus didn’t hold the Tutsis in a camp, make them sleep in horrid conditions, burn them alive, make them work or even put them in gas chambers leading to death. However, the Holocaust was different, if you were a jew you would be treated this way. Hitler would take the Jews into a concentration camp to be worked, starved, and tortured till you become weak and ill proceeding to death.
In conclusion, there is several differences between these two genocides. The Holocaust lasted longer and was more violent and torturing related. While the Rwandan genocide, didn't last as long, had more killings in one minute, and was less of a torturing genocide. Both of the genocides either discriminated the religion or the ethnicity. The killings of many people because of who they are is becoming a big problem in today

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