Genetic Screening Persuasive Essay

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The days of taking vitamins, eating certain foods, and conceiving a pregnancy on a specific date in attempt to have a baby boy or girl are over. During the IVF process doctors are able to test embryos for viability before they are implanted into the uterus. The pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) examines chromosome development and checks for genetic abnormalities. Sex is a chromosome which means specialists can determine the gender of an embryo before it is implanted. More and more couples are taking advantage of PGS and some have even picked the gender of their babies. After celebrities John Legend and Chrissy Teigen announced that they had chosen the sex of their daughter, a controversial issue was brought to light. Parents should be allowed to partake in sex selection of their children due to the fact that IVF is used in situations of infertility, it's a personal choice, and the process is completely safe. The first baby born from IVF treatment was in 1978. People were outraged and reacted with the, “If it's meant to be, it will be” attitude. IVF has developed greatly over its almost 40 year life, but many opinions still haven't changed. It's important to realize that for …show more content…

The moment you conceive a child, you're a parent. If you as a parent want to chose the gender of your baby before its conceived than so be it. You just made your first parental choice. Those who are bringing the child into the world should be allowed to make all of the choices, even gender.The parents will have paid for the IVF, the mom will carry the child for nine months, the parents will prepare for the babies arrival, and after its birth they will provide care for the rest of the child's life. The public is in no way shape or form involved in this process, therefore they should have no say. Not to mention, those who don't agree with choosing the gender of an embryo do not have to do

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