Gene Wilder And Willy Wonka's Contribution To A Classic

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Gene Wilder/Willy Wonka’s Contribution to a Classic
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a classic that will live in the minds of people as a wonderful childhood memory. This unique story grips the attention of children with its intrigue and wonder. The bright colors, strange scenes, and unpredictable plot ignites the minds and imagination of kids and adults alike. While all of these things play a big part in making this movie what it is, the most important element is the character of the man who owns the chocolate factory. The character of Willy Wonka as portrayed by Gene Wilder is a part of this film that makes it the wonderful, mysterious, intriguing, and fun filled beloved classic that has stuck in minds of people for decades.
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Being human. Not forcing it.” This is how Wilder played the part of Willy Wonka. He became the role he was playing and knew what he had to do and how he had to act to make the film so magical. Likewise, Meryl Streep said, “Acting is not about being someone different. It’s finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there.” Wilder knew how to find himself in the character of Wonka and that was one of the keys to the success of the character and to the film itself. The significance of Wilder’s character is displayed throughout the entire movie. Even before Wonka appears in the film, anticipation builds for his entrance. This fact is evident when an early scene of the movie is considered. Charlie passes Wonka’s factory one day and a tinker says, “Nobody ever goes in, and nobody ever comes out.” When the strange factory owner does finally appear, there is already a partial construction of the character. It is shrouded in mystery and darkness, but that fact doesn’t change much throughout the entire film until the very …show more content…

The entire movie hinges on the single character of Willy Wonka. He leads the five children through his chocolate factory and each one progressively does something wrong and pays the consequences. Charlie Bucket is the only child to make it to the end of the tour which leads to the climax of the film in which everything starts to make sense including the character of Willy Wonka. It is revealed that he did indeed have a purpose in sending out the golden tickets and for the tour of the factory, and his antics throughout the movie were not just random but were part of an elaborate plan to find out which child truly had character, integrity, and a love for the candy business. A lot of the things Wonka does during the film is not explained, including speaking in different languages at times and laughing in moments of obvious peril, but these are the elements that add to and brings to life his character making it the mysterious and fun-filled character that brings so much wonder to the

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