Gender Roles In The 1940's

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In the 1940’s, the United Nation Conference came together to resolve issues, in reference to women to establish a commitment at treating men; and women the same in an ecumenical way. From the 1940’s to the 1970’s many different conferences were held to overcome these issues regarding the gender roles of these women compared to those of men. “Under the banner of “equality, development and peace”, each conference assessed the programs of commitments made by various nations on behalf of women; along the side of the (NGO) that funded non-profit organization and spoke on behalf of the poor from all walks of life” (Lindsey, 2011, pg. 137). These people are designed to affiliate on the process of diversity issues, to which they presented to these organizations on the importance of women in a changing world; which are “politics, religion, ethnicity, and economics” (Lindsey, pg. …show more content…

However, during these conferences women still viewed them as problems unsolved because little effort was being applied, and no permanent results ever surfaced in the long term; due to outsider questionable interferences surfacing. Many women walked away from the conference without clear answers to these questions, but did gain insight as to the differences that both men and women share; and well as the importance of each role to which the portray. Nevertheless, a few years later in Nairobi these women’s issues were reconsidered, and the ending result showed a gain in honor of these women rights and a movement was placed in existence; called the “feminist movement”. This movement took center stage in Beijing, were nearly 45,000 people came out to listen to the debate; this putting Beijing on the map for its outpour of support on these global

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