Gender Interactions in The Aeneid by Virgil

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Though easier to consider The Aeneid as a work which clearly defines the roles of man and woman, with men upholding traits of stability, rationality, and containment of oneself, with the women acting irrational and without jurisdiction, this is not quite the case. Gender is not quite the cookie cutter structure one is accustomed to, instead it acts as a much more complicated force within the interactions of the characters. The masculine and feminine become combined within individuals, blended to the point where perhaps sometimes understanding a character is far more complicated than knowing whether it is a 'he' or 'she'. Virgil connects femininity with hysterical passion and masculinity an accomplished restraint of self. Due to this, women are often the conflict makers and men the solvers. However, this flat assumption does not work for these characters, as they are far more complicated than mere terms. They are fluid people who are influenced by the workings of Virgil along with the implications of their time period. The conflict between man and woman may therefore not be the si...

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