Gender Inequality In Professional Sports

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Jacob Hankal
Honors English
Period 7
April 2015 Gender Inequality The brains of men and women develop starting at a young age, and major differences between them occur at just twenty six weeks of pregnancy in the fetus. Men and women acquire different mind sets that affect the lives of each other for their duration. Gender inequality is a major sexist issue that has impacted many women over a long long time. It is an issue that can easily be solved ,yet is has not happened because of out dated stereotypes that women should stay home and raise children while men go out and work. These stereotypes have been carried out to affect the lives of women including wages, jobs and how they are all around perceived. Gender inequality is …show more content…

Sports have long been men dominated, such as football, baseball, soccer, basketball and more. Over time, women have managed to make their own leagues, teams, and be able to compete on a professional level. There happens to be one huge difference, salaries. For example, the mens basketball coach of Duke University makes approximately $10 million per year, while the womens basketball coach makes roughly only $700,000 per year (Steelman 1). In other words, this womens basketball coach would have to work for almost 15 years to earn the same pay that a boys team coach makes in one year. Is there that much of a difference in the coaching? Steelman also found that wage inequalities apply to players as well. The best of the best womens basketball player makes around $98,000 per year while the best of the best make basketball player averages around $5million dollars per year. Again, an exponentially large difference. Is the only difference holding women back from earning more in sports just fans? Mens sports generate so much more money because they seem to have a lot more fans than womens professional sports. If America could generate a greater following and interest in womens professional sports, it could be a wide spread boost to not only the economy, but the interests ,ambition and hope to young women to want to peruse a career in professional sports and to achieve their …show more content…

Social opinion, nationalized expectations, rational calculation and inequality of resources used in countries all present an increase in the overall responsibility for women (Weisbrot 31). This label given to women has been true for a long time in years of the past. “ as women entered the workforce in large numbers since the late sixties, occupations have become segregated based on the amount of felinity or masculinity in each occupation – jobs that have become more integrated for women include mail carriers, bartenders, bus drivers, and real estate agents” ( Weisbrot 43 ). This stereotype has been true but now, it tis the twenty first century. Omen have entered the workforce heavily starting in the late sixties, about 50 years, yet 21 percent of men still believe that it is a womens job to stay home and do the duties that they have done in the years past. It this fine to continue the aged stereotype and keep your wife at home if that works out in a family, but men who say this to keep up their status and not have women overtake them in their field of work are absolute cowards. These labels should not apply to todays modern

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