Gender Inequality In A Doll's House Essay

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During the late 1800s, gender inequality was one of the common issues that existed in the society. Men and women were often distinguished among themselves. Men were regularly portrayed as the one who had power and strength, whereas women were supposed to do all the household work and they were seen as weak and trivial. Henrick Ibsen shows a prefect illustration of this example in the play A Doll’s House. Ibsen develops a notion of how the existence of gender roles in society affected one’s lives. The protagonist Nora, whose identity is shaped after seeing her husband’s actions, which depicts his beliefs of gender inequality, demonstrates this idea.
The protagonist, Nora and her husband belong to a middle class family, who are looking forward to an amazing opportunity when Torvald becomes the manager of a bank. In the opening scene, Torvald is seen as calling Nora …show more content…

She becomes a man and tries to arrange money so Torvald could go to south even thought women in those times were not all to borrow money without their husbands consent. This shows that Nora desires to have more power than Torvald. It is ironic when Torvald calls Nora a “spendthrift”, when Nora is the one who tries to save up every penny so she could clear the debt. Even though, women at that time weren’t independent and would always have to ask their husband for money, Nora did not have to do it. This shows that even thought Nora is portrayed as a dependent woman; she still did some deeds unknowing, which makes it evident that Nora does not need Torvald to live her own life. Another way gender roles are shown in this play is when Nora’s friend sews dress for her. Nora asks her friend to do it in the room, as her husband hates dressmakers. This proves that Nora’s husband is unaware of Nora working day and night to support his

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