Gender In Esperanza's The Salt Of The Earth

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The 1950s were filled with strict traditional gender roles for men and women. During World War II many money entered the work force, but after the War, propaganda campaigns were used to get women to go back to their house duty. Popular culture during this time glamorized the life of a housewife. This resulted in women marry at a younger age and fewer women going to college. An existentialist, Simone de Beauvior, introduced the concept that “sex” and “gender” are not equivalent. She described this difference in her book, The Second Sex, when she said, “One is not born, but rather becomes a women.” This coincides with the modern definition, that gender characteristics are not innate, but learned. Beauvior felt as though in society, man is the …show more content…

Esperanza communicates to her husband Ramon the difficulties that she has to overcome, unlike the Anglo families. Esperanza’s husband, Ramon works for a mining company that has dangerous working conditions. An accident occurs at the mines causing Ramon and his fellow Mexican-American workers to strike. Later at a union meeting, one of the women suggests that they include sanitation and plumbing in their demands, but the men ignore her request. The men strike by picketing outside the mine, but the sheriff delivers a Taft-Harley injunction ordering the strikers to stop picketing. A woman suggests that the women stand in for the men at the picket lines and Esperanza convinces the union to allow both the men and woman to vote on the idea, and the motion passes. Esperanza is arrested while picketing, so Ramon has to take on the household chores and realizes the hardships of the women’s role. This understanding gives him a greater appreciation for Esperanza. After Esperanza is released from jail, Ramon tells her that he does not think the women can win the strike. This upsets Esperanza and she reprimands Ramon for treating her as his bosses treat him. Ultimately, the mining company comes to a settlement and Ramon acknowledges Esperanza’s integrity and

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