Gender Discrimination In Bangladesh Essay

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Gender discrimination is one of the most common types of discrimination in Bangladesh. Gender discrimination means inequality; in another word, it can be referred to biased rights which are given to the male in our society. There are many types of discrimination in Bangladesh, such as gender, color, age, wealth, class etc. Among them, gender discrimination from the perspective of Bangladesh will be discussed in this term paper. Women in Bangladesh are finding themselves in an inferior position with respect to men. Because women have very limited access to resources in the country and they are socially, culturally, and economically dependent on men throughout their whole lives. Fikree and Pasha’s study (as cited in Balatchandirane, 2007). Dependency is the life cycle of women in our society. Our society is the main villain which creates this discrepancy. Boys are given the utmost royalty while girls are considered as burden of the family. From birth, this discrimination starts and it continues until the end of one’s life. Various aspects of gender discrimination further discussed in the next section.
2.0 Gender Discrimination in Family and Society Here …show more content…

Although women have made a large list of successes simultaneously with men in labor force participation, still women are considered as physically weak. Due to sociocultural and religious controversy, people have restricted women’s work within the house. They think that their work should be more closely supervised. However, in job markets, the seats reserved for women are less in proportional to the men. A reference will support this statement, which is- “Employment Status by Sex: In 1993-94, employed male population was 57.5 percent and it was 10.6 percent for female at the national level.” Alam (2017, p. 4) Besides in the labor market, the wage inequality and gender pay disparity are also observable in

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