Gender Differences In Japan

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In Japan, men and women speck differently. The Japanese language has gender difference that is still prevalent in modern Japan even though it has grown less and less clear in polite conversation. Women in modern Japan do speak m ore politely compare to men. The Japanese language feature elements that make women’s speech sound polite and feminine. Meanwhile, men’s speech sound less polite and masculine. The language difference between genders reinforces Japanese social norms and this examined in particular to the Japanese marriage relationships. Surveys of the current trends show the deterioration of Japanese marriage relationships. The Japanese language features unique characteristics that women’s speck differ from men’s. Differences …show more content…

This survey defines the term “sexless couples” as those who go without sexual contact for a month or longer for no specific reason according to the Japan Society of Sexual Sciences. The survey, conducted biennially on men and women between the ages of sixteen and forty-nine, 51.9 percent responded. It revealed the numbers of sexless couples was rising steadily, from 31.9 percent in 2004 to 34.6 percent in 2006. Again, the numbers of sexless couples increase to 36.5 percent in 2008. From 2004 to 2008, the numbers of sexless couples increase 4.4 percent overall. The current divorce trend in 2008, the divorce rate (per 1,000 population) was 1.99 and the number of divorces totaled 251,000 (stats). The divorces rate and number of divorces has declined since 2002. Divorces in Japan have increased since 1960s, pecking in 2002. Increase in the numbers of sexless marriages and a decrease in the numbers of divorces implies some sexless marriages stick together. This is because the children’s sake and the attitudes towards marriage and family among Japanese singles reinforce this …show more content…

Males and women rate that having a family and children as the most important merit of marriage. This merit has increased overall and much from previous survey conducted in 2002. The second main merit of marriage for both men and women is psychological relief. This merit has slightly decreased overall for both men and women from previous surveys. The merit of living with the person you feel affection for has remain the third best but, has continued to decreased for women. This merit has remained the same pattern, overall, for men. Essentially, for both men and women the merit of having a family and children has increasingly become more significant as others merits remain relatively the same overall or have decrease slightly. In the case of women, the merit of being financially stable has continued to increase. This means that women view marriage with increasing importance in regards to family, children, and financial

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