Gender Differences In College Binge Drinking

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Assignment #2: Understanding Social Research Identify the problem.
The problem here is that students at college campuses across the United States, are binge drinking at an alarming rate. Yearly, students hurt themselves and others due to their alcoholism. Unfortunately, despite this being such a prominent problem, the research on this topic is not as extensive as it should be. It may seem that alcoholism is simply a small problem, and it is quite possible that it once was. But, when you have crimes being committed when students are blacking out and punch bowls being spiked so that students can drink only to wake up with their head in the toilet the next morning, it becomes clear that this is no longer an individual problem. Binge drinking is a problem and I would like to provide solutions. To do that, I first need to conduct extensive research at Big Name University on binge drinking amongst men and women here in order to find the problem, target the problem, and provide a plausible solution. …show more content…

Pedersen, D. E. (2013, December). Gender differences in college binge drinking: Examining the role of depression and school stress. The Social Science Journal, 50(4), 521-529. doi:10.1016/j.soscij.2013.03.003
Wechsler, H., Dowdall, G. W., Davenport, A., & Rimm, E. B. (1995). A gender-specific measure of binge drinking among college students. American Journal of Public Health, 85(7), 982-985. doi:10.2105/ajph.85.7.982
Young, A. M., Morales, M., McCabe, S. E., Boyd, C. J., & D'arcy, H. (2005). Drinking Like a Guy: Frequent Binge Drinking Among Undergraduate Women. Substance Use & Misuse, 40(2), 241-267. doi:10.1081/ja-200048464
My hypothesis is as follows: Men drink more than women on college campuses due to peer pressure and school related stress.
Identify the

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