Gender Bias In America Essay

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Does gender bias still exist in America? Although the fight has lessened, gender bias continues to be a very prominent issue. In America, gender inequality is very serious, especially to women. All around the country, women have not been treated as well as men have. This is caused the two genders are considered to be different, rather than equal. “Inequality presumes difference because men and women must be understood as different to be perceived as unequal.”
Women’s inequality in America occurs in two main places: household and work. “Persistent gender inequality in household responsibilities feeds gender inequality in access to money and power outside the home.” Majority of the time, women are more willing than men to take time off to care …show more content…

“Back in 1980, they earned 67% of their male counterparts, compared with 90% in 2015.” Even though the pay gap between men and women have lessened, the pay continues to be unfair to women. According to CollegeTimes, “Women make only 77.5 cents for every dollar that men earn.” Some have suggested that this is caused from women not working as hard as men, causing women to become offended.
Not only are women given unfair pay but they not given are many promotions as well. “Four In ten businesses worldwide have no women in senior management.” This implies that gender bias not only occurs in America, but the whole world also. “Women earned less than men in 99% of all occupations.” Most women will expect this of almost every career, which shows how prominent gender bias is.
Eventually, if this gender bias continues, women in America will accept the fact that they will never be paid equally. Some may not even have an issue with it because the gender gap may not seem that large. However, the gap seems huge when the years continue to add up. “By the time a college-educated woman turns 59, she will have lost almost $800,000 throughout her life due to the gender wage gap.” Even though the pay gap is only by 10%, that 10% makes a huge difference throughout the years of one’s

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