Gender As A Social Construct

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Gender: A Social Construct
The social construction theory claims that gender, along with gender inequalities, are conceived by society and are not innate (Klement lecture notes September 27 2016). Instead of agreeing that gender and its inequalities are biologically determined, this theory explores how society, culture and norms influence our understanding of the variances between masculinity and femininity and govern our practices, customs and rules concerning the way we “perform” our gender.
In the chapter Dueling Dualisms, Anne Fausto-Sterling points out that “feminist theorists view the body not as an essence, but as a bare scaffolding on which discourse and performance build a completely acculturated being” (128), suggesting that the …show more content…

The doctor announces whether it is a boy or a girl and the child begins socialization into a male or a female accordingly. Confirmation of gender being a social construct can be identified on multiple accounts, from the toys and clothing presented to individuals in the course of infancy and early childhood, to the stereotypes that have been embodied by public figures portrayed in the media. Subtle, or rather not so subtle hints of how men and women ‘should’ behave or what boys and girls ‘should’ be interested in are plastered everywhere. Some things as simple as fairytales, told throughout generations and generations of people, are full of gendered stereotypes that become internalized by society, thus reiterating the beliefs and practices of gender norms and binaries. I believe that the social construction approach is useful when it comes to deconstructing and challenging gender binaries. If society is able to understand that gender is not an inevitable result of biology but rather a structural feature resulting from social influences, then we will be able to nullify the hierarchies present in our current understanding of gender and acknowledge that diverse sexed bodies, gender identities and gender expressions exist and one is not more valuable than the

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