Gender And Gender Roles In The Hunger Games

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Gender roles refer to theoretical construction about how people who belong to different genders should speak, think, dress, act and interact within the context of community they live in. Moreover gender roles divided into two main elements, which are dependent on the cultural context as well as the personal preferences or tendency of someone. Gender representations in “The Hunger Games” represents classical shifts away from mainstream gender roles with some elements and reinforces established gender roles in others. Girls are presented as the fairer gender, with an inclination towards being emotional and kind and rarely have characteristics of toughness and strength as is characterized by boys. On the other hand, …show more content…

She is also portrayed as tough and has a lack of ability which is supposed to be in girl 's attributes. Katniss also plays the role of protector in the movie clip, protecting herself and other members of her group from various risks. The role of protection in many communities is usually done by men and boys. It is an exception to the traditional gender roles that Katniss plays this role while characters such as Peeta depended upon her for their protection. Linda Holmes indicated in her article “What makes Katniss stand out” that Katniss defies the traditional gender roles for heroines and also Peeta defies the typical known versions of gender roles about boyfriend. The evidence …show more content…

It seems like a revolution and challenge for the existing gender roles encouraging men to be more caring and assertive about their emotions and women to be a little bit stronger and not overly emotional. In other words, Peeta encourages Katniss to open up, talk about her feelings and share herself with other people. Perhaps the movie is not just about strict gender roles and their manifestation but about being brave and strong in whatever skill set or character that a person has. Also Peeta is softer and not strong enough and one of the evidences is when Peeta escaped to the forest and hid himself among the

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