Gatsby Alternate Ending

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It was a nice and sunny day in the town of Riverdale. The Perkins family decided to take a vacation. But one thing stood in their way, Doggo the family pet. Doggo sensed that the family was going somewhere, somewhere special. He didn't want to be left behind and miss all of the fun. Jamie left the door and Doggo said, ¨Now is my chance, if I am in the car they can't leave without me.¨ ¨It is a perfect plan, nothing can possibly go wrong.¨ So he jumped up in the car. Bam! All of the sudden the door slammed behind him. ¨The car is all ready mother.¨ Jamie exclaimed. ¨Oh no! What have I done! What is going to happen to me?¨ Doggo said. He was so scared and frightened that he wondered all around the car looking for a way out. Suddenly he slipped and pushed a button. The seat closed on him, and now he was stuck. ¨This is even worse!¨ Doggo exclaimed. All I wanted to do was not miss out on all of the fun, and now look what happened. ¨Woof, woof.¨ Doggo cried for help. …show more content…

¨I do not know, maybe you should go check it out.¨ Mother replied. So Jamie went out to the car first, and she couldn't believe what she saw. She saw that poor Doggo was stuck in the seat. ¨Now how did you manage to do that?¨ Jamie asked Doggo. ¨ I didn't want to miss out on the fun I overheard you guys say that you were going on a vacation. I just wanted to come along. So I decided to jump in the car. And… and...¨ Doggo replied. Jamie sympathetically said, ¨Say no more, I will find a way to get you out.¨ ¨Mother come quick!¨ Jamie exclaimed. ¨What happened, are you okay?¨ Mother

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