Gaming Can Make A Better World Rhetorical Analysis

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Critique on Jane McGonigal Ge Yang Fresno City College Critique on Jane McGonigal The speech that I am critiquing on is Jane McGonial’s “Gaming can make a better world”. The grade that I would give Jane on her speech would be an A. This is because she made a very good impression on me and the audience. The six reasons that she used to support her opinion on why gaming can make a better world were really reliable, true, and funny. Jane also did not only have reasons, but made a few funny comments and told a story. Reasons Jane gave six different reasons in her speech to support her statement and opinion that gaming can make a better world. The first reason that Jane made, was about a picture of a gamer playing a game and his emotion compared to a picture of Jane …show more content…

Jane compares how gamers are much brighter and cheerful when they game compared to how they feel in real life. Another reason that she used was how much time gamers commit to solve problems and situations. She used the example of how gamers spent 5.93 million years to solve a puzzle in World of Warcraft. This used a statistic of 5.93 million years, which awed me and changed how I felt about her opinion this topic. Another reason that she used that swayed me was the story of the kingdom of Lydia. Jane talks about how the kingdom was in a famine and used games to solve this problem and keep the kingdom’s people alive. She goes on and explain that games help us escaped reality and this helped keep people alive, because it distracted people to not be hungry. Also she mentioned how this story is true by explaining how the

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