Gabriela Cowperthwaite's Blackfish

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Astounding aquatic performances, petrifying roller coasters, interactive petting zoos, and riveting informational tours; there is never a dull moment to be had at SeaWorld, world-renowned aquatic theme park. Best of all, the crowning moment of the day, a spectacular performance by the park’s most famous entertainers — killer whales. Each weighing in at thousands of pounds, these gentle giants preform all sorts of tricks for the eager audience, from waving to the audience to jumping from the water to soaking the eager onlookers with a massive splash. However, these massive beasts may not be as harmless as the park portrays. One such evidence is a documentary titled Blackfish. Throughout his documentary, Gabriela Cowperthwaite effectively turns his large audience against the park by revealing many hidden dark truths. …show more content…

Viewers can hear the panic and terror of those on scene as one of the whale’s trainers is mercilessly mutilated and drowned before a live audience. At this point, the show has just barely started, and Cowperthwaite has not only captured the hearts of the audience, he has slyly instilled in them a subtly loathing for whoever is at fault to cause such pain. This is not the only place where he tugs at the heartstrings of his viewers. Spread throughout the entire film. There are stories of lost friends, and tragic tales of the kidnapping of the young killer whales. The effect of these stories are increased by the expressions and tears of the people telling the tales of grief and

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