GFTA-3 Lab Report

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The Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, 3rd edition (GFTA-3) assesses children’s articulation of consonant sounds of Standard American English. In this test, it provides a sampling of spontaneous and imitative sound production. A child is attempting to produce and imitate the target phonemes in their appropriate age. Raw score is the total number of articulation errors. Standard scores are shown that an average range, confidence interval as well as percentile. The test requires the examinee to imitate the syllables, words, sentences as well as verbally label the pictures. Yuen responded to each item exceed the standard time, but he completed the assessment. In the Sounds-in-Words subtest, Yuen received a raw score of 37, standard score of 54, and percentile rank of <1. Please refer to the provided document for further explanation about interpreting scores.

The results of the GFTA-3 indicate that his phonemic repertoire is below average for her chronological age. Further analysis, he demonstrated difficulty with fricative phonemes produced by forcing air through a narrow channel. The other phonemes which produced in error placement of the articulators from interdental, to palatal, to velar, and to labiodental sounds. He was not able to produce correct sounds follow direct instruction by …show more content…

The purpose of the test is to identify expressive and receptive language skills in play, gestures, attention, vocabulary as well as social communication. The test consists of two standardized scales which are auditory comprehension (AC) and expressive communication (EC). The examinee was required to point out the picture symbols in their appropriate age. Yuen was able to complete the assessment. He responded to each item. Table 2, 3, and 4 list the score of the Total Language, Auditory Comprehension, and Expressive

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