Future Vs Future

648 Words2 Pages

Our idea of the future is also an unreal fiction, although sometimes useful, when you assume as a trial and just like that. Both our idea of the future as our understanding of the past are based on our understanding of the present. The past and the future are our conceptions of what preceded in the present moment and what feeling we will continue to present. And all this occurs influences guess it flatly.

He is now the present, that of which I am aware. Whether we are remembering or anticipating, we are doing now. The past was because the future has not yet arrived. It is impossible that nothing exists except this.

The "realization" is entering natural contact, spontaneous, in the here and now, with what one is, and feels and perceives. Only when the individual realizes what it does and how it does it can change their behavior.

The realization is the ability of every human being to perceive what is happening here and now, within himself and the world around him.

The realization of the world or outer zone

It relates to the sensory contact. It allows us to get in touch with everything that's out and what happens beyond our skin. "I see, touch, hear, smell, ..."; "I perceive,

The realization of self or inner zone

Includes all the sensations and feelings that occur within us. It allows us to get in touch with ourselves: what am I feeling, where I'm feeling, how I'm feeling??.

Realizing fantasy or intermediate zone

Includes all mental activity (thinking, imagining, remembering, planning,.,.). It allows us to get in touch with our fantasies. "I think, imagine, remember, desire, ...".

The responsibility for everything that happens to me has to do with me.

Each person has their vital space within which, depending on the time, y...

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... learned a new project which grabbed me much because I I learned to love myself same Lanada started doing things that brings us trouble yet successful because words and more words come out from the depths within our hearts have learned to live not only because I am a migrant but because flesh and blood did not I feel clear pain if years passed as when the foam dissipates into nothing in the morning and I wake up at the sky and say Syrian'm alive I'm seeing the delicate beauty of the landscape that nature provides us with everything we now put my country Guatemala sample that moved birth from an early age the boy i knew nothing NOCENTE selling vegetables and alphabets to acampo growing corn and beans to have a weight and still enjoy something sweet and nice to eat here it's all thanks nice fruit God because you gave to this country and proudly say God bless america

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