Functionalist Perspective On Family Analysis

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The functionalist perspective views the family as they perform six paramount functions which are reproduction, protection, socialization, regulation of sexual behavior, affection and companionship, and provision of social status. Reproduction has to happen to replace dying members. Protection is in all cultures, it’s normal to have the responsibility to protect and up bring the children. Socialization happens so kinfolk and parents monitor their kid’s behaviors and transmit their norms, values, and language of their culture. Regulation of sexual behavior is where the sexual norms are subject to change over time. Whatever the cultural values or time period of a society, the sexual behaviors are defined within our family circle. Affection and companionship is where the family members provide warm and intimate relationships, helping us feel safe and secure provision of social status is when we inherit social position due to family background and reputation of our parents and siblings. Our families fulfill a number of other functions such as …show more content…

Conflict theorists say that families have traditions that are legitimized and perpetuated male dominance. Husbands exercise power and authority overwhelmingly within the family. Conflict theorists view families as an economic unit that contributes to societal injustice. Our family is basis for property, transferring power, and privilege from one generation to the next and so forth. Our children inherit the privileged or less-than-privileged social and economic status from us (parents). We as parents influence our children’s socialization experiences and the degree of protection they have. Socioeconomic status marks an influence on our children’s health care, nutrition, educational opportunities, housing, and many respects, as in life changes as an adult in

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