Functional Fixedness

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Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind, and its behavior in each situation and how it functions in those situations. I explain positive and negative reinforcement, and how it can make my life easier. How I use achievement motivation to feel motivated in my life. How I use decision making to help my future. That I feel the need to belong with the need to belong theory. Most of all how I overcame functional fixedness this semester. Psychology is found in everyday life, and it will be seen by my experience how it’s found in my everyday life.
Example # 1
This happened about a month ago, and I just started this job at a daycare near the college. In my room I look after four-year old’s, and as four-year old’s are usually like they make big messes. On this day it was a particularly big mess, and its one that I didn’t feel all that excited to clean up. I thought up a plan where I …show more content…

I like to think outside the box, and I relies that I don’t do functional fixedness. I have a tv in my room that is only for show, and it doesn’t even work. I use a popcorn tins as a garbage can in my room. For Halloween my family and I used milk jugs as pumpkins. We cut out the tops, drew faces on the side, and we put lights on the inside to decoration. I used canvas paint as face paint for my Halloween costume. Functional fixedness is to only use a product for what it’s made for and nothing else. Functional fixedness is on page 286 in chapter 8. Functional fixedness makes it hard to overcome problems that are out of the norm. I overcame functional fixedness by using milk jugs as jack o’lanterns, and painting my face with canvas paint. A way to overcome functional fixedness is to know what the product does, and what the object can do other then what it was made for. Like how a phone was made to only talk on, but know we can play game, text, and look at the

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