Fruit Fly Lab Report

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The experiment was a three week long experiment. Prior to fully engaging in the experiment, it was important to sort out the flies. In order to separate out the flies, they had to be put to sleep. The blue caps were removed first and then put to sleep. Using the Triethylamine anesthetic fly nap, the vials were placed horizontally on their side so that the side without any netting was at the top, the swab once submerged into the fly nap was then inserted into the vials containing the flies. It was important to make sure the fly nap applicator did not touch the flies and did not stay in the vial for too long because it would kill them. Once the flies were asleep, they were emptied out onto index cards with the help of a paint brush; of course …show more content…

To distinguish between males and females, a microscope and magnifying glass was used to analyze several different factors. Body type was one characteristic looked at because while females consisted of a lot of body segments and a pointed abdomen, males have fewer segments with a black, rounded abdomen. The difference in body sizes were also a factor to separate between sexes. Females were comparably larger than males who also had sex combs on their legs. There were several other distinguishable markings used in order to separate the flies based on their sex. Once the flies were separated based on sex, the number of male to female were counted to make sure there was an equal ratio between the two. The F1 generation male and female groups were divided into groups to equally mate. The mating process began by acquiring empty vials, sponges to cover the vials, and labels to label each vial. The vials were labeled with the name of the individuals and the type of cross, either monohybrid or dihybrid cross. Once each vial was labeled, they were all filled with …show more content…

Again, the blue cap was removed, the vials were titled on their side, and the swab that was submerged into the Triethylamine fly nap was placed into the vials containing the flies. Once the flies were asleep, the parents were emptied out onto an index card. The larvae, however, were still kept in the vials, and the sponges were replaced and capped the vials once again. The flies that were asleep on the index card were placed into the fly morgue (empty vials with sponge) with all fly napped swab inserted into it. The vial that contained the larvae was placed into the box for further

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