From clunker to classic: a how to guide on body maitenance

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“You can’t take your body into the auto repair shop and ask them to fix it. This is the only one you get, so treat it right,” – Kathy Tucker, New Palestine High School health teacher Proper treatment of the human body requires a huge amount of responsibility. Eating healthy and exercise can improve the physical, mental, and emotional state of the body and mind. Mistreating the body through eating disorders to maintain a certain bodily appearance can invoke serious and potentially long term damage. These mental illnesses damage the physical, mental, and emotional sides of a person’s health. Serious health issues attributed to eating disorders can induce disease, depression, and death. Proper diet and exercise are crucial to the maintenance of the human body. Some people think eating healthy and exercising daily is too time consuming and expensive. The Department of Health and Human Services recommend that a person get two and a half hours of moderate exercise or an hour and fifteen minutes of intense exercise a week (n.d., paragraph 2). The Department also suggests a half an hour of exercise minimum daily (n.d.,paragraph). Unfortunately to some, those thirty minutes are thirty minutes more than they want to spend or have the time to spend exercising. The cost of eating healthy can also be more than people are willing or able to spend. The healthiest diets seem to cost about $1.50 more than the least healthy diets, which is on average $550 a year (Eating healthy vs. unhealthy diets cost about $1.50 more per day, 2013, 1,3). For some people, the time and money seem to overpower the benefits of treating the body correctly to ensure its longevity. The benefits of healthy eating and moderate exercise far outweigh the monetary cost and... ... middle of paper ... ...llets under here are a few of the benefits,1; Weir, 2011,14). “The exercise or activity allows one to maintain a healthier weight. The muscles are more firm, they have better shape, they have better tone so when we look in mirrors, we feel better about ourselves so that is the emotional thing,” Kathy Tucker (personal communication, May 7th, 2014). Exercise can also alleviate anger and frustration, as well as, give a person a sense of achievement (Exercise and Mental Health, n.d.,bullets under here are a few of the benefits, 4,6). Consequently, the body is only as good as it’s treated. Mistreatment of the body through eating disorders will not result in a healthy mind or body. Conversely, a healthy life style, including exercise and healthy eating can impact the body mentally, physically, and emotionally, and ultimately increase the quality of life and longevity.

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