Freud: Freud's Relation To Self-Deception

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Research has shown that an average individual tells a lie several times in just one day. Some lies are really big and can do a great deal of harm. But more often than not, people tell more white lies. The definition of what it means to lie can be clear cut; not telling the truth. However, the definition of deception is not so simple. Google defines deceit as “the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth”. Deceit is not always considered a lie. Some forms of deception present themselves in different ways like an optical illusion, wearing a wig or nodding your head when you aren’t really listening. These are just some examples of how we use deception to deceive others. And then there are lies that we …show more content…

Breaking down Freud’s work in relation to self- deception, it is important to look at his definition of human nature and the exploration of the unconscious mind. Psychoanalyst believe that people are animals. In modern psychoanalysis, the social nature of humans is viewed as the center of motivation and behavior. Dynamics refers to the interaction of libidinal and aggressive drives. A drive is a state of biological excitation in response to a stimulus. This excitation impels the mind into activity, with the ultimate goal of bringing about the reduction of tension and a sense of gratificiation. Freud developed a structural organizarion of the mind with 3 hypothetical structures in dynamic conflict. However, there are only two structures that are relevant to self-deception. 1. The Id; the base of biological needs, impulses that are ruled by the pleasure principle which is aimed at reducting tension, avoiding pain and gaining pleasure. The Id is unconscious. 2. The supergo; split off portion of the ego, a residue of early moral training. Superego contains the most important childhood identifications and ideal aspirations. Concerned with whether an action is good or bad, right or wrong. The superego strives for perfection, not pleasure or reality. There are instances where these two identities conflict with one

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