French Revolution Dbq

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from around 1780 to 1890, a remarkable change occurred in human affairs as slavery, widely practiced and little condemned since the beginning of civilization, lost its legitimacy and was largely ended. Enlightenment thinkers in eighteenth-century Europe had become increasingly critical of slavery as a violation of the natural rights of every person, and the public pronouncements of the American and French revolutions about liberty and equality focused attention on this obvious violation of those principles. To this secular anti slavery thinking was added and increasingly vociferous religious voice, expressed first by Quakers and the Protestant evangelicals in Britain and the United States. The actions of slaves themselves likewise hastened …show more content…

Nations and Nationalism: Atlantic revolutions also gave a recent kind of human community-the nation. a. Finish the sentence: The French Revolution declared that sovereignty lay with… b. Napoleon’s conquests likewise stimulated national resistance in many parts of Europe. Outline how this led to the formation of nations, beginning at the bottom of page 796 to the bottom of p.798 The French Revolution declared that sovereignty lay with “the people,” and its leaders mod=bilized this people to defend the “French nation” against its many external enemies. Napoleon’s conquest likewise stimulated national resistance in many parts of Europe. Europe’s modern transformation also facilitated nationalism, even as older identities and loyalties eroded. Whatever its precise origins, nationalism proved to be an infinitely flexible and enormously powerful idea in the nineteenth-century Atlantic world and beyond. It inspired the political unification and encouraged countries to become independent and seek stability for their …show more content…

The above movement had some effect. What advantages did women gain by 1900? p.801 By 1900, upper-and middle-class women had gained entrance to universities, though in small numbers, and women’s literacy rates were growing steadily. In the United States, a number of states passed legislation allowing women to manage and control their own property and wages, separate from their husbands. Divorce laws were liberalized in some places. Professions such as medicine opened to a few, and teaching beckoned to many

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