French Revolution Dbq

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Unit V IDs –
French Revolution, Napoleonic Era and Industrial Revolution
Group A. French Revolution
1. Jacques Necker- Swiss minister of France under Louis XVI. He thought that the massive debt wasn’t that bad and we should all. He was hired and then fired and then rehired.
2. Cahiers de doléances- a list made and given to the French crown about the grievances they had and the petitions to change them.
3. Estates General- Parliament of France. Wasn’t called since 1614 until they finally did in 1789. They were called because everyone felt that only estates general could make tax laws. They came up with the cahiers de doleances after they had been called.
4. Abbe Sieyes – “What is the Third Estate?”- pamphlet written that stated the …show more content…

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Woman (Olympe de Gouges)- amen heres the women ok so France had an issue with women (why?) so a feminist wrote this declaration to promote feminism but was shot down and kill by the guillotine in 1793.
12. Revolt of the Women- several thousand Parisian women marched on versailles and told the King and Queen to listen to the revolution they were creating. The king was like lol I really don't care so they violently attacked people in the castle and killed some guards with spears.
13. Restructuring of France- France became more enlightened so they wanted to change their whole government structure and they did wow go them, they saw an opportunity and took it.
14. Assignats- in December 1789 they were created to be France's first paper currency. this actually solved the debt crisis they were having. lol go paper and trees
15. Civil Constitution of the Clergy- Considered to be the biggest mistake in the French Revolution (along with many others I assume) it was created in July 1790 and said that the church must become part of the state. This meant that priests had to swear loyalty and were paid by the government, not the tithe.
16. Constitution of …show more content…

Quadruple and Quintuple Alliance: Quad is the victors (A, P, R, B) their goal was to keep peace. Quin was then + F after they paid their dues.
5. Holy Alliance: Tsar Alexander I’s idea.. renounce war forever, and protect christianity.. basically just a group of uber conservative autocrats.. Russia. Prussia, and Austria. pushes to squash rebellions
Group D. Agricultural and Industrial Revolution Terms
1. Jethro Tull; figured out you should plow and seid deeper (just put the seeds 6 inches deeper bc better for roots and better for next years crops)
2. Charles ‘Turnip’ Townsend; discovered that you should plant clover or turnips in the area that you don't have drops (every 2 years you give one of your 3 areas a break, it rotates) he was so obsessed with this that he earned the nickname turnip.
3. Robert Bakewell: created animal Eugenics, kinda like a natural selection thing, you have your best cows mate so you get even better cows..
4. Arthur Young: English writer on agriculture. Secretary of board of Agriculture in Britain.
5. Enclosure: they stopped doing communal, now everyone has their own which means the poor people have to sell their land and move to the city bc they needed the communal, but large landowners

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