French Revolution And Maximilien Robespierre's Reign Of Terror

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Napoleon's military strength and commanding authority led to numerous victories in battles, such as Napoleon's success with defending the National Convention on October 5, 1795 against the royalists. The French people needed his strong leadership because the French Revolution and Maximilien Robespierre's Reign of Terror made France extremely unstable. In addition to Napoleon's wise military strategies, he had his charismatic speeches. He could rally France and instill courage and nationalism into his soldiers so they fought harder. Napoleon made the French people want to do their parts in civilization so that they could make France the superior power in Europe. Despite Napoleon's reputation on the battlefield, he had a soft spot for his wife, Josephine. He wrote love letters and he later proposed in January 1796. He truly loved her, but Josephine could not bear children because of her age and Napoleon needed an heir to continue his legacy. Napoleon later divorced Josephine and married Marie-Louise of Austria in 1809. Most prominent of Napoleon's attributes is his ambition and persistence. He still held onto his dream of ruling over a united Europe even after the European powers exiled him to Elba on April 11, 1814. He escaped and returned to France, and Napoleon once again ruled which is …show more content…

He overthrew the failing government by driving out most of the members with his military support and having the rest vote to dissolve the Directory. Napoleon seized power and fought Britain, Austria, and Russia to keep control of France. In the beginning, Napoleon put his power to a vote, even though he had no intention of giving it up. The people of France still voted for Napoleon despite his dictatorship because they wanted a strong leader after the tumultuous governments of the French Revolution. Napoleon restored France's stability and increased its continental

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