Free College Admissions Essays: Why I Advocate

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Why I Advocate Why do I advocate?
Because as long as I live, I aim to find my purpose, my voice, which I find most during my times of advocacy. From first hearing about the startling news about how much Americans waste their food, I advocated. From hearing the struggles of my friends against another, I advocated. After hearing the doubtful thoughts of atheists, I advocated. From hearing the facts, hearing the stories firsthand, I feel the obligation to help. The strong sensation of adrenaline runs through my blood, coursing through my veins. It overcomes my spirits to the point where my life stops and cannot and will not resume until I act. I research until my eyes scan every last fact, my ears hear every last word of the unnerving stories, and every nerve fills with energy. I speak up to those who need their minds opened. To those oblivious, so that they too, act upon the situation as I did. Although I have yet to completely confirm my identity as a respected woman, I have found most of it through advocacy. I find strength in myself I somehow assumed nonexistent when I combine the facts with passion. I speak up against those who abandon their virtues of respect. I gain the courage to know when to lead myself with my voice, and when …show more content…

An argument consists of convincing one group to understand and ultimately agree with the others’ views. In this situation however, no argument exists. We live in a world where the viewpoint deemed “correct” depends on who can yell, “no, you’re wrong!” louder. But that is why I advocate. I believe people should voice their passions with facts to lift them up high. I believe people should open their eyes to the world just outside of their comfort bubble. I enjoy seeing jaws dropping as a reaction, not eyes

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