Frankie Polo Monologue

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Hi, I'm Frankie Polo, born in United Kingdom with my sister Jessica. My dad's name is James, he was working as a doctor, and mom's name is Emma, she was working in a restaurant. We were living in a poor house out in a country, but we were happy. My parents decided to take me to school when I had 4 years old, so I can be a real man of course. I was a good student and I was getting 20 marks, I was the first in my school. After 2 years, they took me to a park while my sister in school, they forgot me there. In the night, I was very scared, they were no children around and the park was closed. Two or three gangsters - I don't exactly remember - came and tried to kidnap me, they were too scary, but the guard of the park came and helped me, he was a nice guy. …show more content…

After 2 months, he decided to search for my parents, I was 10 years older. The man was searching and searching, but they found my parents dead. My parents got killed by some criminals. The man didn't tell me that they are dead, but he told me that they traveled to another city. I was crying because my parents weren't good, they never liked me. The man took me to my grandparents house, then I continued my studies. After reaching 15 years old, I was nearly to be a real man as I wished, I was using drugs and bad things. I was a bad student. In a day, Me and two bad friends, we decided to rob a store, we were using weapons, dangerous weapon, but we failed. The Federal Bureau stopped us and sent us to a maximum prison. After I got released from prison, - I was like 24 years old -. I decided to search for my parents because I thought that they traveled - as the man said -. I searched and I searched, then found them dead. I was very

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